Zekun Qi

I am a final-year MS student joint study in Xi’an Jiaotong University & IIIS, Tsinghua University under the supervision of Prof. Andrew C. Yao. I collaborate closely with Prof. Kaisheng Ma, Prof. Li Yi, Prof. He Wang and Runpei Dong.
In 2022, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Automation from Xi’an Jiaotong University .

My research focuses on 3D Computer Vision, Multimodal Large Language Models, and Embodied AI.

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  • 2024-07: One paper accepted to ECCV 2024 and one paper acccepted to ACMMM 2024.
  • 2024-01: One paper accepted to ICLR 2024 as Spotlight presentation.
  • 2023-09: One paper accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
  • 2023-04: One paper accepted to ICML 2023.
  • 2023-01: One paper accepted to ICLR 2023.
  • Publications

    * indicates equal contribution

    dise Positional Prompt Tuning for Efficient 3D Representation Learning
    Shaochen Zhang*, Zekun Qi*, Runpei Dong, Xiuxiu Bai, Xing Wei
    arXiv preprint, 2024
    [arXiv] [Code]

    We rethink the role of positional encoding in 3D representation learning, and propose Positional Prompt Tuning, a simple but efficient method for transfer learning.

    dise DreamBench++: A Human-Aligned Benchmark for Personalized Image Generation
    Yuang Peng*, Yuxin Cui*, Haomiao Tang*, Zekun Qi, Runpei Dong, Jing Bai, Chunrui Han, Zheng Ge, Xiangyu Zhang, Shu-Tao Xia
    arXiv preprint, 2024
    [arXiv] [Project] [Code]

    We collect diverse images and prompts, and utilize GPT-4o for automated evaluation aligned with human preference.

    ShapeLLM: Universal 3D Object Understanding for Embodied Interaction
    Zekun Qi, Runpei Dong, Shaochen Zhang, Haoran Geng, Chunrui Han, Zheng Ge, Li Yi, Kaisheng Ma
    European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
    [arXiv] [Project] [Code] [Huggingface]

    We present ShapeLLM, the first 3D Multimodal Large Language Model designed for embodied interaction, exploring a universal 3D object understanding with 3D point clouds and languages.

    DreamLLM: Synergistic Multimodal Comprehension and Creation
    Runpei Dong*, Chunrui Han*, Yuang Peng, Zekun Qi, Zheng Ge, Jinrong Yang, Liang Zhao, Jianjian Sun, Hongyu Zhou, Haoran Wei, Xiangwen Kong, Xiangyu Zhang, Kaisheng Ma, Li Yi
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024, Spotlight
    [arXiv] [Project] [Code] [Huggingface]

    We present DreamLLM, a learning framework that first achieves versatile Multimodal Large Language Models empowered with frequently overlooked synergy between multimodal comprehension and creation.

    dise VPP⚡: Efficient Conditional 3D Generation via Voxel-Point Progressive Representation
    Zekun Qi*, Muzhou Yu*, Runpei Dong, Kaisheng Ma
    Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
    [arXiv] [Code] [OpenReview]

    We achieve rapid, multi-category 3D conditional generation by sharing the merits of different representations. VPP can generate 3D shapes less than 0.2s using a single RTX 2080Ti.

    dise Point-GCC: Universal Self-supervised 3D Scene Pre-training via Geometry-Color Contrast
    Guofan Fan, Zekun Qi, Wenkai Shi, Kaisheng Ma
    ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM), 2024
    [arXiv] [Code]

    We enhance the utilization of color information to improve 3D scene self-supervised learning.

    dise Contrast with Reconstruct: Contrastive 3D Representation Learning Guided by Generative Pretraining
    Zekun Qi*, Runpei Dong*, Guofan Fan, Zheng Ge, Xiangyu Zhang, Kaisheng Ma, Li Yi
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023
    [arXiv] [Code] [OpenReview]

    We propose contrast guided by reconstruct to mitigate the pattern differences between two self-supervised paradigms.

    dise Autoencoders as Cross-Modal Teachers: Can Pretrained 2D Image Transformers Help 3D Representation Learning?
    Runpei Dong, Zekun Qi, Linfeng Zhang, Junbo Zhang, Jianjian Sun, Zheng Ge, Li Yi, Kaisheng Ma
    International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023
    [arXiv] [Code] [OpenReview]

    We propose to use autoencoders as cross-modal teachers to transfer dark knowledge into 3D representation learning.

    Honors and Awards

  • 2022 Outstanding Graduate, Xi’an Jiaotong University
  • 2021 Annual Spiritual Civilization Award , Xi’an Jiaotong University
  • 2020 National runner-up of the China Undergraduate Physics Tournament (CUPT) as the team leader
  • 2019 Chen Qi Scholarship, Xi’an Jiaotong University

  • Website Template

    © Zekun Qi | Last updated: Jul 16, 2024